
Archive for April 14th, 2010

For a long time I have been in love with Japan, but I don’t want to admire it from afar forever. I don’t think a country has captured my imagination as much as Japan has. With its traditions seeping through to our western culture as the newest and trendiest things I feel I must go before all its magic to me has disappeared.

Origami has always been a therapeutic tool in my life. It started in year 12 when I was sick for over a week. I was going crazy sitting there watching television and ended up completing a origami one-a-day calender. From then on anytime I was bored I would pick up discarded piece of paper and turn it into a crane. At the moment I am working in a Box Office where there can be a lot dead time sitting at a desk so at the moment I am making an origami zoo. My favourite being this loveable panda.

Sushi is my idea of heaven. At the moment living in england it can be very expensive. I am so used to grabbing a hand-roll for $2 or a bento love for a fiver. But I still do reserve some special nights to feast of this lovely cuisine.

The Harajuku girls blow me away with their bold over the top fashion decisions. I long to be in a world where they will not bat an eyelid if I dress up like a Disney princess on acid. That social acceptance and encouraging creative is something I dream of.

Oh and memoirs of a geisha made me fall in love with such a different side of the country. I just feel that the japanese have an eye for beauty like no one else. Such events as Karaoke and the famous yearly Penis Festival just make me smile from ear to year.

Yes Japan is one of those must see places for me:)

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